Week Notes // 27th November

I think this is what Matt Webb has described as a ‘null result

A big push toward final delivery for a project at work means there is not much to reflect on this week.

Some minor notes and highlights, mainly on a reading and watching front:

  • Really enjoyed this piece by Matt Waksman on planning. A proper piece of writing. Full of lyrical bounce.

  • Started Death at the End of the World on Disney+.

  • Started The Tidal Zone by Sarah Moss. Following on from Ishaguro, Moss has an incredibly economic style. Her description of the development of a foetus at the book’s start was superb.

  • The Edge of Everything on Amazon Prime. Ronnie O’Sullivan is a genuis. This was an eye-opening look at him, his life and the process he goes through to perform. Genuinely heartbreaking at moments.

  • The Baring for lunch. Georgian wine and grilled Quail. Delightful

  • Mucking around with Readwise to store and sort links and feeds. Miss Delicious. Thinking more about process and how I work through projects.

  • Some work for Landy on her art project.

No links between thoughts or anything more profound this week. Looking forward to Christmas break alot.


Pablo Picasso, Media Theorist


Notes on a Process 3