Notes on a Process 3

I may have been a little hasty last week. Whilst getting the words out of my head and onto the page is getting slightly easier as a result of all the practice I’m getting, it can’t mitigate the feedback and opinion of others.

No plan survives first contact with the enemy. Or, everyone has a plan until they get hit in the face.

A particularly testing episode this week has seen me dedicate an entire day to a writing assignment which should have taken 40-45 minutes to complete. A task which I had budgeted 45 minutes to complete. I suppose this exposes the challenges with writing for other people. Tasks which are notionally easy end up becoming mammoth undertakings. This happens because unlike numbers, words are subjective. Personal preference can jaundice everything. And the client, whoever that might be, has the right to exercise that preference.

I gave you some words. They are good words. I have no others… At least, none that I like.


Week Notes // 27th November


Ishiguro is asking better questions